Friday, December 23, 2011

Conversation with my son

I was sitting at the dining room table after dinner last night, watching Hawaii Five-O on Netflix and doodling in the margin of today's newspaper. Just 3-D geometric shapes, nothing fancy. My 9 year old son came over and wondered what I was doing,

Sam: "Did you draw these?"
Me: "Yep."
Sam: "Wow, I thought these were printed and not drawn. You are really talented."
Me: "Thanks, Sam! You know, I did take art classes for 6 years."
Sam: "I thought your parents didn't let you go to art school."
Me: uh-oh, little jugs have big ears "This was in high school. High school and junior high actually. I also took about a year's worth of art classes in college. Painting and drawing."
Sam: "I didn't know that you took those classes. I want to be an artist someday."

Somebody earned his Christmas presents this year!

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